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Donate to support Farnborough Noise Group

Farnborough Noise Group has been running for four years providing factual information to councils, MPs and the public. It has represented the concerns that people have raised, and it has challenged the relevant organisations when appropriate.


The costs to date have been small and borne by the organisers, but things are changing. We have setup the website, bought aircraft tracking and noise monitoring equipment, printed leaflets and now we are likely to need professional advice to challenge the airport’s planning application. All this costs money and we are going to need to find funding.


We realise that organisations are constantly asking for donations and we are in a cost of living crisis, but if you can help us, we can hopefully help you by stopping the expansion of the airport. A bank account has been set up and the details are here. It was too complicated to amend the bank account name that was in progress!


Account name:       Farnborough Airspace Noise Group

Account number:   20495268

Sort Code:             60-83-01

We will of course explain how your donation is being spent and keep you informed of progress.

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