FAL Expansion
Sign the petition against expansion here - 5,000 signatures so far
10th November 2024
We have an update on the airport's planning application. On the right is the response from Tim Mills, Executive Head of Property and Growth at Rushmoor Borough Council.
We are concerned that there hasn't been sufficient scrutiny of the application and it is difficult to understand why Farnborough Noise Group who have significant expertise, have not been engaged. It is unclear from the statement if there is going to be another public consultation process so that as many people are engaged as possible. We are also concerned that the decision is going to be taken by Rushmoor Borough Council alone when neighbouring councils (and their constituents) are impacted.
Realistically, applications like this that have a national and global impact (in terms of pollution and emissions) should not be determined by a local council. There should be involvement from organisations like the Climate Change Committee advising government on the impact of the application.
24th June 2024
People have been asking what is happening with the airport's expansion planning application..... We don't really know as there has been no formal announcement but the general election process means that MPs can't be involved until the election has concluded (purdah procedure). We have been told informally that the planning application will be considered in Autumn when there will be a number of new MPs in the area. FNG has held online calls with the three main parties. Some were more engaged than others and we provided this fact sheet. There are significant differences in each party's manifestos regarding aviation.
The local elections resulted in Rushmoor Borough Council switching to Labour control and that is likely to change the way the application is considered. Rather than speculating, which isn't the role of FNG, we hope that the evaluation process will be carried out correctly. We have concerns about the business case and the Lichfields Economic Impact Assessment as they are extremely misleading. We are also concerned that Rushmoor Borough Council is weighing up the advantages and disadvantages only as far as they impact the borough. The impact on other neighbouring councils and their constituents (such as the impact of increased noise and pollution) is not being considered. That is something for MPs to raise.
27th January 2024
Rushmoor Borough Council has decided to delay the evaluation of Farnborough Airport's expansion plans until after the May 2024 local elections. The announcement is here. As we have been saying for some time, Farnborough Airport's submission does not provide the relevant information on which an informed decision can be made. The business case does not provide any evidence or data, just assumptions and forecasts. The costs of harm are not included so it is not a valid business case.
There is no measurement of noise or pollution that impacts people near the airport and further afield. These concerns have been raised by many councils, MPs and the public in the 2,275 objections submitted so far. The response by Jeremy Hunt MP is here. Michael Gove MP also submitted an objection.
There is still time to submit your comments, should you wish to.
This is a significant announcement and it is fair to say that without the continued pressure by many people and groups, this re-evaluation would not have happened. WELL DONE EVERYONE!
13th December 2023
This is the third and final document prepared by Farnborough Noise Group. The document includes an updated summary and detailed evaluations of most of the 68 documents submitted in the planning application. The spreadsheets have been updated (1 & 2).
There are several questions that we have submitted to the airport (twice) as some of the data is incorrect. We are yet to receive a response.
The deadline to respond to the planning application is Sunday 17th December either online here or by email to plan@rushmoor.gov.uk. The application number is 23/00794/REVPP.
There is quite a lot of financial and technical information in the report. We will be arranging public meetings to discuss it and we will offer to present it to the councillors and planners who will be assessing the application. A few quick comments regarding the planning application:
There is very little measured data (noise, emissions or pollution data). Most is modelling that has not been validated.
There are numerous contradictions e.g. one section saying no additional airport infrastructure is needed, another saying additional buildings, taxiways and aprons will be needed.
The business case includes benefits but none of the costs (harm to health, cost of capturing emissions, reduction in property values).
There has been no consultation with several councils in close proximity that are impacted.
Environmental impact has been determined as “insignificant” even though emissions would grow from 385,000 t CO2e now to 2,000,000 t CO2e by 2040.
Areas further than 5.5km from the airport have been scoped out.
Even where there is harm to protected areas identified in the planning application (e.g. Nitrogen deposition rates on SSSI above safe levels) these have been ignored.
26th November 2023
The second of the documents being prepared by Farnborough Noise Group is now available here. This is the review and commentary of the full proposal. The spreadsheets have been updated (1 & 2).
The detailed review documents of each planning application document should be available during next week.
In the meantime, the way to raise your concerns regarding the planning application is either online here or by email to plan@rushmoor.gov.uk. The application number is 23/00794/REVPP.
23rd November 2023
FNG has been going through the 68 planning application documents for the airport's expansion proposal. Many of them are very technical. We are providing three batches of documents. We may update them as more information is reviewed:
1) High level summary of key points that the public can use to respond to the planning application. This is available here and there are two spreadsheets 1 and 2. Green text are the priority points.
2) A 10 page summary (plus attachments and a review of the relevant planning and aviation policies) that highlights key points and is aimed at councillors and the public. This will be available on about 24th November.
2) Detailed review documents of each planning application document. These will be of use to planning officers. They should be available 27th November.
The way to raise your concerns regarding the planning application is either online here or by email to plan@rushmoor.gov.uk. The application number is 23/00794/REVPP.
2nd November 2023
The last of the public Zoom meetings were held yesterday. Many thanks to those who attended, if you have any further questions, please email them to farnboroughnoise@gmail.com. The presentation material is here.
Just a reminder, there is a friendly/family demonstration at the airport on Saturday 4th November (10.00am - Noon. All welcome - bring waterproof clothing! It's at Farnborough Airport northern gate adjacent to the Sir Frank Whittle Memorial roundabout. Parking is free in the Ively Road car park). And there is a gathering at the FACC meeting that is on Thursday 9th November (1.15pm - 2.00pm. Fleet Council offices, The Harlington, GU51 4BY). If you want to attend the meeting in person, you need to register at least five days in advance with admin@facc.org.uk.
26th October 2023
Yesterday evening was the online meeting for MPs, council staff and councillors to present the facts regarding Farnborough Airport and the information it provided in its public consultation sessions. The presentation material will be made available after the public meetings on 29th October and 1st November (below).
Objections to the proposal continue to grow and this week’s Herald included a report of Jeremy Hunt's letter to the airport. Other councils and MPs have also expressed their views. If you haven’t signed the petition yet, please do so and share it with other who may not be aware.
There are two events to let you know about. There is a demonstration at Farnborough Airport run by environmental groups on 4th November. People will gather from 10am onwards outside the airport gate adjacent to the Sir Frank Whittle Memorial roundabout (GU14 0RP). The airport is familiar with demonstrations at this location and their security services are always very accommodating.
The second event is the FACC meeting on 9th November. This is a great opportunity for the public to express their views to the directors of the airport and to the airport’s consultative committee as they arrive. People will meet from 1.15pm at Fleet Council office, The Harlington, GU51 4BY. The meeting starts at 2.00pm but the public can only go into the meeting if you have registered. Email admin@facc.org.uk if you want to get in at least 5 days before the event.
19th October 2023
Following Farnborough Airport’s public communication sessions, many people were left with more questions than answers. There were also a lot of people who were not able to attend the in-person meetings. So, we thought we would help by setting up two public meetings (If people want more of them, we can arrange them). We will present referenceable facts with the aim of giving the right information for people to form an opinion on Farnborough Airport’s proposed expansion. The public meetings will be preceded by a meeting with councils, councillors and MPs so that they too can have an informed view.
The public meetings will be on Sunday 29th October from 4.00pm – 5.00pm and Wednesday 1st November from 7.00pm – 8.00pm. The meetings will consist of a 30 minute presentation then a Q&A session and they will be recorded for people who are unable to attend.
The line will open 5 minutes before the meeting starts and will be available on a first come first served basis. Microphones will be muted until the Q&A session.
There was also another report in today's Farnham Herald challenging the points made by Simon Geere.
16th October 2023
Dates being arranged for online public meetings to set out the facts relating to the airport's proposed expansion. Watch this space......
The petition continues to grow. Please sign it if you haven't done so already and let others know about it.
The Farnham Herald had a double-page interview with Simon Geere, CEO of Farnborough Airport. We have responded.
Leafleting is continuing. Another 2,000 have been printed. Many thanks to the volunteers who are doing this. Let us know if you want to help.
There was a meeting in London on 14th October with many UK airport groups. FNG will continue to provide input regarding private jets.
Church Crookham is held a public meeting to discuss the airport's plans with 56 members of the public attending.
Colin Shearn's Anti social Behaviour Order second hearing took place and is being listed for a two-day trial in February 2024. The situation features in local press.
6th October 2023 - A lot has been happening......
The petition against expansion has hit 3,000 and its still growing.
We now have a "Donations" page to help cover the costs in challenging the airport's expansion plans.
National press is picking up on the Farnborough story with more to follow. The "alternative" press is also covering it.
The Farnham Herald had a double-page interview with Simon Geere, CEO of Farnborough Airport.
Leafleting is continuing - many thanks to the volunteers who are doing this. Let us know if you want to help.
There is a meeting in London on 14th October with many of the UK airport groups. FNG will be attending.
We continue to provide input to Stay Grounded and Possible regarding private jets.
Church Crookham is holding a public meeting to discuss the airport's plans.
If you fancy listening to an American talk about decarbonising aviation, it isn't surprising it is almost the same as what people in Europe say!
29th September 2023 - The five consultation sessions have been very well attended. The final one is tomorrow in Farnborough College. There is clearly a lot of public concern and anger regarding the proposals. The fact is that the balance of economic benefit is all on the side of the airport while the harm (noise, emissions and pollution) is all on the side of the public. FNG has prepared its response to the "Consultation Feedback Form" and you can look at it here. But the consultation feedback doesn't change anything as it is for the airport's benefit and use. The way to challenge the proposals is to involve your Councillors and your MP. You can also challenge the planning application when it is submitted by the airport some time in November. FNG will be providing information on how to do this and which points can/cannot be challenged. The planning application process is a very defined procedure. If you have any questions or need further information, email farnboroughnoise@gmail.com and we will try to find out the information for you. If you would like FNG to present to your group or your council/committee, let us know. We will also be arranging public meetings on Zoom to provide updates. Again, details will be provided here.
14th September 2023 - Farnborough Airport has announced a month-long consultation with its plans to expand the airport. The information it has published so far can be found here.
The proposal includes the following changes:
Increase the number of flights from 50,000 to 70,000 a year
Double the number of weekend flights from 8,900 to 18,900

Extend operating hours at weekends/holidays to 7.00am – 9.00pm
Operate more of the heavier/restricted aircraft
If implemented, these changes will make an already bad situation even worse. Farnborough Noise Group has started a petition against these proposals and we urge you to sign it and share it.
Access the petition at https://chng.it/x9DNC6WR2T. A survey has also been started by Cllr Jules Crossley. The findings will be presented to Rushmoor Borough Council. Please fill it in regardless of where you live.
We hope as many people as possible can express their views. You can contact the airport on 0808 164 6061 or email Contact@FarnboroughAirport2040.com The consultation runs to 18th October 2023. Your councillors and MPs are also going to be involved so please contact them.
In the meantime, there is a report in the Farnham Herald (14th September 2023).